Financial Data

The FY 2012 DoD budget includes the funding needed to secure and advance U.S. security interests around the world in the coming fiscal year. It begins to carry out the recommendations in the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) that Secretary of Defense submits along with this budget. The QDR examines DoD strategies and priorities. It assesses the threats and challenges that the nation faces and re-balances DoD’s strategies, capabilities, and forces to ensure the U.S. military has the flexibility to address today’s conflicts and tomorrow’s threats. The Ballistic Missle Defense Review (BMDR) evaluates the ballistic missile threat to the U.S. and its allies and articulates policy. It determines the appropriate role of ballistic missile defense in the country’s national security and military strategies.

FY 2012 Budget Request

The Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer (USD(C)/CFO) maintains and reports on all budgetary and fiscal matters, including the development and execution of the Defense Department’s annual budget of more than $600 billion. This year, DoD proposals include greater focus on reforms for the Department’s organization, infrastructure, and processes. This budget reflects the new efficiencies and investments DoD plans for FY 2012 – FY 2016.

Click here to review additional budget numbers, justification materials, and performance measures that DoD uses in an ongoing effort to improve efficiency and accountability.

President's FY 2012 Budget Overview

The FY 2012 request grows the base defense budget by 3.0 percent in real terms from the level enacted in FY 2011. The FY 2012 budget requests a total of $676 billion for the Department of Defense (DoD). The base budget for DoD includes $553 billion in discretionary funding and $5 billion in mandatory funding, and an additional $118 billion is requested for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

To download the “DoD Budget”, Fiscal Year 2012″ as a single PDF click here (216 pages, 4.1 MB)

FY 2012 Appropiations Bill Package

The President’s fiscal year 2012 budget request for activities funded in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act totals $538,940,292,000 in new budget obligational authority for the base military bill.

To download the “DoD Appropiations Bill 2012″ as a single PDF click here.

Financial Report of the U.S. Government

The Fiscal Year 2011 Financial Report of the United States Government (Financial Report) published by the Department of the Treasury includes GAO’s report on the accompanying U.S. government’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2011 and 2010, and the associated reports on internal control and compliance with significant laws and regulations.

Click here to review the Complete Financial Report (to include financial statements, GAO DoD Audit Results etc). In addition, you can also review previous GAO Audit Reports for DoD.

DoD Financial Management Performance Tools

Click here to learn more about other DoD budget related material and Open Government Performance Accountability Tools/Dashboards that you can use to monitor DoD financial performance, accountability and transparency.

Data Quality Plan For Federal Spending

The OGD, issued on Dec. 8, 2009, instructed each agency to create a data quality plan that enhances the transparency of how the agency spends federal funds. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Deputy Director Jeff Zients issued a memorandum on Feb. 8 outlining a timeline for public release of the plans, as well as what information should be contained in the plans. The memo requires agencies to be accountable for the quality of federal spending information that is publicly disseminated through venues such as and similar websites. The memo prescribed a data quality framework for the agency plans, requiring them to define measures for assessing the quality of data and its collection.




Transcripts from applicable budget and strategic defense review briefings can also be viewed at